Foods High In Zinc For Your Body Immune System

Foods High In Zinc For Your Body Immune System by  for Modern Survival Blog

Zinc is a hot topic during these days of Covid-19. It is well understood that this mineral is very good for the immune system. There are many reports of the potential benefits. It is sensible to ensure we have levels of zinc in our bodies sufficient to help our immune system combat disease such as Covid-19.

Our body NEEDS Zinc. Every day. It is a mineral that our body does not make, or store in the body. But it is essential. It’s required for the functions of over 300 enzymes and involved in many important processes in your body.

[ Hint: Think “meat”, especially “red meat”. ]

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Zinc metabolizes nutrients, maintains your immune system and grows and repairs body tissues.

Since our body doesn’t store it, you need to eat enough foods with zinc every day. At least enough to meet “daily requirements”.

Zinc has been very successfully used as a therapeutic modality for the management of acute diarrhea in children, Wilson’s disease, the common cold and for the prevention of blindness in patients with age-related dry type of macular degeneration and is very effective in decreasing the incidence of infection in the elderly. Zinc not only modulates cell-mediated immunity but is also an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.

~ National Institutes of Health

[ I am re-posting this information (originally published during May) as a reminder of its ongoing importance. It is essential for overall immune system building ]

How Much Zinc Do I Need?

According to a research paper published at Cambridge University by Lothar Rink and Philip Gabriel “Zinc and the immune system”, Adolescents and adults:

Male 15 mg
Female 12 mg
Pregnant 15 mg
Nursing women 22 mg

Additional research reveals similar numbers to those stated above (plus or minus a few mg). With that said, those are “need” numbers. What about “maximum” numbers? Note that too much for too long may cause toxicity.

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